GET RID OF Rodent Control (Rats & Mice)ONCE AND FOR ALL

Why You Should Remove Rodents

Rodents can be much more than just a nuisance. Rats and mice can spread disease by contaminating food sources or through their waste droppings. Rats and mice are also known to cause extensive damage to your home that, in most cases, can be quite expensive to fix. Rodents can also cause potential fires due to chewing into wires. If a rat is to chew into wires, they can cause electrical shortages that result in fires. Rats in particular are known to be dangerous. They are known to be aggressive when threatened and can do significant harm to someone who finds themselves in front of a rat that feels cornered.

Why Rodents Come Into Our Homes

            Rodents, much like other animals, search for locations that provide shelter and a food source, Unfortunately for you, this makes your home the perfect spot for rats and mice alike to make their homes.

            Rodents are likely to come into your home during the wintertime or springtime to get out of the cold and give birth to their young. Rodents are likely to stick around in the summertime to raise their young and further improve their nests.

How We Remove Rodents

            Controlling rodents often means that you have to kill the rats or mice inside your home or building. We take proper care of all the dead rodent carcasses in a sanitary way. Frank’s Wildlife Removal will do this using humane and effective methods. We ensure that the rodents aren’t left to suffer and don’t have a chance to increase their populations for a second time.

            If we can, we will use non-lethal traps to control the population by removing the rodents in large groups. In most cases, we will use snap traps or other humane methods to control the population. We will never use poisons when controlling the population, this method is extremely inhumane. Not only will we remove all the rodents present, but we will also ensure that they never return.

 How Do We Keep Rats From Returning

            In order to prevent the rodents from returning, we will seal every last crack or hole that rodents use to enter your home. We cover the holes using materials that rodents are unable to chew through or will have extreme difficulties chewing through. This will frustrate rodents and make them less inclined to return to your home. The rodents will opt to find another location to make their own. This offers further protection from those pesky animals.

            To ensure that your home is completely protected, we will check every square inch of your home to make sure that every last crack or hole is filled. You can have peace of mind knowing that there are no other entrances that rodents can use to invade your home. We will also advise you on how to further protect your home by making your yard less attractive to rodents. We do this by seeing how close your trees or shrubs are to your home and whether or not rodents are likely using them to enter your home. We will also check for other items that rodents are likely attracted to.

            We will also provide advice on how to keep your yard from being attractive to rodents. Our team uses their expertise on rodent infestations to keep rodents from returning to your home.

The Cleanup Process

            We will clean up after rodents, ensuring that any potential health hazards present from the infestation have been thoroughly cleaned. We will sanitize and sterilize any areas that create risk for you or your family. Not only do we clean up the immediate area where the nest was located, but we also ensure that the area has been decontaminated and sterilized. We will also search for any dead rodents that might have died within your walls to ensure that the smell of decomposing rodent doesn’t form in your home.

Working For You

            Frank’s Wildlife Removal is a professional, high-quality service that strives to give you the best experience that we possibly can. Our team is highly communicative and is always happy to answer any questions that you might have throughout the entire process. From the second that we receive your phone call we are hard at work making sure that your issue is taken care of. We will update you throughout the entirety of the process to ensure that you understand what we are doing and why. Your satisfaction is our priority.

If you live in Michigan and have a rodent issue that needs to be taken care of, give Frank’s Wildlife Removal a call today at (810) 691-4967

rat removal

How to Get Rid of Rodents in The Attic 

Rodents can cause all kinds of damage to your attic and even create problems for other areas of your home. You want to deal with these pests as soon as possible. This way your attic is free of animals and your property stays safe and undamaged. To learn more about animals in the attic visit

Of course, getting rid of rodents is no simple task. These pests can multiply quickly and evade your attempts of removal, especially if you don’t use the right methods. Luckily, we will be showing you exactly how to remove rodents from your attic in this post. Keep reading to find out more!

How to Remove Rodents From Your Attic For Good:

  1. Identify The Rodent

Rodents include a range of animals. Rats, mice, squirrels, and even hamsters fall under the category of rodents. Before you can take these animals out of your attic, you need to figure out what they are. Go into your attic and try to find and identify the animal. Then, you can start to tailor your removal method to the rodent in your home. 

  1. Set Up Traps 

Traps are the perfect way to get rid of your rodent problem, especially if you have rats or mice in your attic. You want to make sure that you are getting the right trap. As each rodent differs in size. For instance, mice traps should only be used on mice, not rats. As a mice trap is not large enough to kill a rat. 

In addition, make sure to set up your trap with nonperishable food. Cheese and other foods that go bad can make your attic smell and create more issues for you. Instead, use peanut butter and jerky. Once the rodent springs the trap, put on gloves and dispose of the body. Then you can reset the trap and capture more rodents.

  1. Get Rid of Food

Once you have set up traps, try and get rid of any open food in your home. Rodents need a food source to survive in your house. It will be easier to get rid of them if you have your food sealed up and out of reach. So, make sure to keep your property clean and tidy this way rodents go looking for other places to nest. 

  1. Seal Holes and Setup an Exclusion Device

After getting rid of food the next thing you want to do is seal up any holes and set up exclusion devices. Sealing holes will prevent rodents from coming back into your home after they leave, and it will keep new animals from coming in. 

Exclusion devices are particularly useful, as well. When any rodents in your attic go searching for other food sources outside they won’t be able to come back into your home. This type of trap is useful and highly effective. But you want to make sure to set it up correctly.

  1. Call In A Professional

In some cases, though, you won’t be able to trap a rodent, or multiple rodents, yourself. This is because, in some parts of the country, squirrels need to be trapped and killed by professionals with a license. 

So, if you are dealing with something other than rats and mice, talk to your local wildlife expert. They can help you deal with your rodent problem.

And, if you find yourself unable to handle smaller rodents yourself, you can have a professional come in and remove them for you. 

Contact Frank’s Wildlife Removal

Frank’s Wildlife Removal can help you get rid of your rodent problem quickly and efficiently. If you are dealing with a rodent infestation in your attic, call us now. 

We have years of experience and take animals out of your home in a human and loving way. This way you don’t have to deal with this issue yourself. 

We can be contacted by phone at (810)-691-4967. Or we can also be reached through our website. So, feel free to fill out our contact form at your earliest convenience.

rat removal

How to Get Rats Out of the Roof

Have you ever heard noises in the walls, ceilings, or the attic? Nine times out of ten

it’s roof rats, and maybe more than one. Don’t let their tiny size mislead you – they can damage your property, spread diseases, and poison your food; getting rid of them must be your next step! Forcing roof rats to leave is usually done by a pest control specialist. However, Rats don’t just appear out of nowhere. Knowing what attracts them in the first place and how they managed to get inside is highly recommended, in order to prevent future unwanted visitors.

What Attracts Rats to Your House?

Roof rats are warm-blooded animals; they seek a warm, comfortable place to nest and prefer elevated places. They can manage to enter through holes as small as 1.5″, and they can chew their way into your attic through cracks and gaps in the roof. If they are living in your attic, it means they have easy access to your food and the water sources in the house. You should always ensure that your roof area is cleaned regularly because these rodents can easily be attracted by the smell of garbage and will happily feast on every piece of food they find; they aren’t the pickiest eaters.

How to Remove Roof Rats from Your Attic

Poisoning rats involves work, creates a mess, and can be considered a potential danger to your children or pets. If you don’t want to put yourself in a difficult situation, you might need to consider natural rat repellents to get rid of the roof rats in the attic without using poison. Remember that the following home remedies are not expected to do wonders; you should only use them if you’re convinced you don’t have a massive infestation.

  • Don’t leave food outside. Rats may gather around your house and steal your food as well as your pet’s meals. Store your food in a container with a tight lid, and store pet food in a concealed place.
  • Seal entry points. Ensure that all vents and windows are properly screened, and seal all possible entry points with silicone caulk to prevent rodents from getting inside. Don’t forget to scan the holes or cracks in your roof area!
  • Keep the outside of your home clean. Besides concealing your garbage and closing your trashcans, you should trim the bushes and shrubs outside of your house away from the ground to prevent rats from hiding underneath them.
  • Clean up the garage and shed. If you are a keen gardener, make sure to keep your plant seeds and fertilizer stored in sealed containers because they are viable food sources for rodents. 
  • Consider getting a cat. In addition to being great companions, cats can hunt rats down and keep your home safe from them. Unlike Tom & Jerry, no rat will get close to your house, knowing you own a cat.
  • Home Remedies. From mothballs and peppermint oil to Ammonia and slices of onion and garlic, the strong odor makes it difficult for rats to breathe and can keep them away for good. Pepper flakes also have an unpleasant smell that rats can’t stand; just sprinkle it around areas where rats like to hide.

Finally, yet crucially, dealing with a large infestation can be extremely difficult to deal with on your own. Hiring a professional rat exterminator is the best way to protect your loved ones as well as your property. The team will determine the level of the damage and will effectively treat the unwanted situation to ensure there is no future damage to your house.

mice removal

How to Repel Mice and Rats?

Rodents are among the most common types of home intruders, with rat and mouse infestations occurring in most households at some point or another in time. As humanity has continued to spread its urban dwellings, animals have had to adapt and learn how to live (and thrive) alongside us. It can be said that rodents have taken this skill to a veritable art form.

So what exactly can you do as a property owner, when dealing with a vicious rodent infestation? Rather than focusing on removal itself, in this article, we’ll take a closer look at various prevention methods.

  • Ultrasound deterrents.

A common favorite on the wildlife market is the ultrasound deterrent. The way this device works is, it emits a high-pitched ultrasound (that is usually undetectable for human ears) whenever it detects motion on a given radius.

While you may not be bothered by the sound, rodents are a different story, and so, the more they come across this irritating sound, the harder life will become for them on your property.

On the other hand, ultrasound deterrents only boast limited efficiency, since rats and mice are notably clever creatures. In time, they are able to learn the paths to avoid, so as not to set the deterrent off.

  • Regularly check and seal cracks in your home.

If a rat has no way of entering your home, it’s unlikely to be much of a problem – right? This is why it’s paramount that you regularly check the perimeter of your home, and look for cracks and holes in the roofing, walls, or window structures. Aim small. Don’t just look for huge gaps to justify a rodent presence, because mice and rats can squeeze through even the tiniest cracks.

If you do discover a potential rodent entry point, waste no time in sealing it. Make sure to use materials that are difficult to chew or claw through, and don’t invite a second coming, like expanse foam, caulk, or wire mesh.

  • Get a cat!

Perhaps the oldest rodent repelling trick in the book, this one is unbeatable when it comes to rat prevention. Getting a pet cat has loads of benefits for your morale and psyche, but where it truly shines is in keeping the home wildlife-free. While a cat isn’t as effective against larger nuisance animals, like raccoons or opossums, it’s an ideal deterrent for mice and rats. This is because, contrary to the legendary Tom and Jerry duo, mice are actually quite scared of cats, and will go to great lengths to avoid them.

Mind you, if you are unable to get a cat, you can alternatively purchase cat urine at specialty stores. Keeping litter boxes sprayed with cat urine around can convince rodents of the nearby presence of a cat, and may have the same effect.

  • Cut off the food.

While we may waltz a lot around the subject of mouse invasions, it’s actually not rocket science, and one of the best ways to pest-proof your home is simply keeping it clean. Mice are attracted to your house because normally, it’s rife with edibles. From exposed trash cans, to pet food bowls, to crumbs on the floor, there are plenty of food available to your new rodent guests.

So it stands to reason that simply eliminating those, and keeping a clean home will go a long way.

  • Use smells.

It’s a common belief that rodents steer clear of the scent of mint, which is why peppermint oil or even dry mint leaves left around the walls might help. However, there is limited evidence to support this as an effective, long-term deterrent. 


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